A Triple Tragedy

A Triple Tragedy

It is with tremendous sadness I share news of the sudden deaths of three individuals who have been a huge part of this film. Michael Green, the producer of Making Treaty 7, encouraged me to pursue this documentary in the first place and supported me, connected me with...
Who will compose our soundtrack?

Who will compose our soundtrack?

We’re excited to announce that Kris Demeanor, the Crack Band and Eya Hey Nakoda will be composing and producing the soundtrack for Elder in the Making. If you haven’t heard their stuff, it’s a great fusion of traditional and contemporary native and...
Fully Funded!

Fully Funded!

The good news is that this film has been fully funded. I have to give a big thanks to all the supporters who are giving me the encouragement to finish this film. Along with the backing of Telus, I will now be able to include archival footage from the Glenbow,...
Helping Finish the Film

Helping Finish the Film

It has been a challenging and fun experience for Cowboy and I discussing genocide, colonization, and other topics late into the night. Now, after eleven days of shooting in the field from Writing-on-Stone to the place where Treaty 7 was signed, our journey has only...
Exploring the Locations of Treaty 7

Exploring the Locations of Treaty 7

I consider myself a city person, an indoor cat shall we say. As far as I was concerned, Calgary and Banff and West Edmonton Mall were the only significant places to visit in Alberta. Yes, I know, a very urban-centric, Calgary-centric view. I have travelled to France,...